Booking Terms and Conditions

1. These terms and conditions govern the supply of all tickets to  Australian Fashion Week (the “Event”) and entry to the Event venue.
2. Your ticket may not, without the prior written consent of the appointed ticket agency and IMG (the “Event Organiser”), be resold or offered for sale at a premium (including via on-line auction sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services, either by the original purchaser or any subsequent bearer. If a ticket is sold or used in breach of this condition, the ticket may be cancelled without a refund and the bearer of the ticket may be refused admission.
3. You agree to comply with all notices at the venue and all directions from the Event Organiser. You may be removed from the venue if you do not comply with any direction from the Event Organiser or its representatives. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
4. Tickets are not refundable or subject to exchange unless as set out in these terms and conditions and/or required by law. IMG reserves the right to cancel the Event (in whole or in part) for any reason, including but not limited to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. In the event of cancellation of the Event in its entirety, IMG shall provide you with a refund of your Event entry fee. In the event of cancellation of any one day of the Event, where you hold a day ticket for that day, IMG shall provide you with a refund of that day ticket. For the purpose of this clause any Event will be deemed to be cancelled if a Fashion Show or Talk does not take place for more than 50% of the Fashion Show or Talk. In the event of any changes to the Event, including but not limited to any changes to the start time or format of the Event, you shall not receive a refund in whole or in part. You are responsible for your tickets and lost, stolen or damaged tickets are not the responsibility of the Event Organiser. The Event Organiser is not liable to you for any claims, damages, compensation, losses or expenses (including indirect or consequential loss or damage) as a result of the Event or days/sessions of the Event being cancelled, postponed or changed or any changes to the Event. 
6. You understand that the layout of the venue may be unfamiliar to you, so you must take care at all times. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety and for the safety of any children accompanying you. Ticket holders enter the venue at their own risk. The Event Organiser advises you that some areas of the venue are exposed to direct sunlight, heat and other elements.
7. You assume all risk and danger incidental to the Event and to the extent permitted by law you release the Event Organiser (including their directors, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, the host broadcaster, the Event’s sponsors and volunteers) and the Event venue from any liability for any damage, loss, liability or injury you may suffer in relation to your attendance at the Event and the assumption of such risk and danger howsoever caused including without limitation due to any negligence or other act or omission of the Event Organiser or its representatives, agents, contractors and/or volunteers and/or the Event venue. You agree to compensate the Event Organiser and/or the Event venue for any damage, loss, liability or injury the Event Organiser and/or the Event venue may suffer as a result of your willful, reckless or negligent acts or omissions at the Event.
8. You grant permission to the Event Organiser and their licensees to use your image or likeness in relation to any live or recorded television or any other media transmission or reproduction (including digital) in whole or in part of the Event. You further grant the Event Organizer permission to use your photograph, voice, and likeness taken in conjunction with the Event, in any form, including edited versions, in or over any medium including without limitation streaming audio and/or video over the internet, broadcast, cable, satellite transmissions, and media that are unknown at this time, worldwide for any legitimate purpose including, without limitation, any commercial purpose, without compensation to you. Your further waive any right of inspection of any such recordings and photographs. You understand that any such recordings and photographs recorded by the Event Organizer shall become the sole property of the Event Organiser. Your ticket does not grant you access to any official Event car park(s).
9. No large eskies, stepladders, signs, banners, firearms, explosive devices, any item that could be used as a weapon; beach balls & other inflatable devices; bicycles, scooters, skateboards and roller-blades/skates; flags, banners or signs larger than 1m by 1m in size or with handles longer than 50cm in length; musical instruments &/or amplification equipment; unauthorised promotional, commercial, political, religious or offensive items of whatever nature including clothing, banners, signs, symbols and leaflets or flyers; laser pointers, distress signals, whistles or loud hailers, dangerous goods; drones or remotely piloted aircraft etc, will be permitted at the Event.
10. You agree not to transmit or facilitate transmission of any account, description, picture or reproduction of the Event (including via the aggregation of data/statistics) other than for private domestic purposes (that is, you cannot sell, license, broadcast, publish or otherwise commercially exploit them) without the written consent of the Event Organiser. In particular you may not make available any moving footage, sound recordings, series of still pictures or aggregation of data/statistics taken at the Event on the internet or to mobile devices via mobile wireless technology.
11. No alcoholic beverages or glass bottles may be brought onto or taken from the grounds of the Event. Pets are not permitted within the grounds of the Event.
12. You are responsible for your own property whilst at the venue. The Event Organiser will not be liable for any loss or damage (including any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) to any property brought into the Event venue. You must not leave bags or packages unattended at any time. For safety reasons, any unattended bags or packages may be removed and/or destroyed. You accept and agree that bag checks may be conducted at any time.
13. You authorize the Event Organiser, its medical contractors and any other third party medical service provider the Event to administer any medical assistance, treatment and/or transport you seek or to provide this on your behalf as deemed reasonably necessary in the circumstances (the costs of which you may be responsible for). In connection with any medical assistance, treatment and/or transport you seek or receive, you consent to the disclosure of your personal information and medical details concerning the incident to the Event Organiser, the Event Organiser’s insurers and any other relevant third parties as determined by the Event Organiser. Any personal information collected in accordance with this clause will not be used by the Event Organiser for marketing purposes.
14. You hereby consent to the reasonable inspection of your person and property before entering the Event, which inspection may include, without limitation, metal detection.
15. Tickets shall be liable to be surrendered to the Event Organiser (and the holder removed from, or refused access to, the grounds of the Event) if, in the opinion of the Event Organiser (who shall at all times act reasonably in the exercise of their discretion), the behaviour of the holder is, or could be considered to be dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoyance to other Event officials, and/or security personnel, for example, if the holder appears to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or is acting aggressively, or if the holder fails to obey any conditions of use, posted signs or instructions of Event officials, marshals and/or security personnel including, without limitation, any verbal or written instructions. Any person who is refused admission to the Event under these circumstances will be entitled to a full refund for their ticket. Any person who is removed from the Event under these circumstances after gaining entry will not be entitled to a refund of their ticket price.
16. The Event Organiser may refuse you entry into, or remove you from, the venue if you do not obey these terms and conditions, you interfere with the enjoyment, comfort or safety of other persons at the Event, you have a lost, stolen, counterfeit, damaged or unreadable ticket or you have acquired your ticket from an unauthorised source, or the Event Organiser reasonably suspects you of any of the above.
17. The Event Organiser reserves the right to make amendments to these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion and without notice.